Mbarcode URL

This page allows you to convert long URLs into a 2D barcode (mobile code), using services from Yahoo, TinyURL and Nokia. These barcodes are read by most mobile phones. It presently supports QR codes and Datamatrix.

You can do the conversion on this page, or grab a bookmarklet to convert URLs on the fly. Publishers can add a button to their site that provides users with a customised code for their page.

1: Online Conversion

Please provide the target URL. You can drag and drop a link or page onto the input.


2: For Browsers

If you want to get links onto your mobile, cell or Handy, you can't bank on publishers being thoughtful enough to provide a magic button. Instead, you can use a bookmarklet to do on-the-fly conversions on any page. When you click it, a 2D barcode for the current page will pop up; just click anywhere on the image to close.

Test it out - click the link! To install the button on your browser, just drag this link onto your browser's links bar. (Alternatively, right click and bookmark the link.)


3: For Publishers

Here's a button that lets your users get the 2D barcode for the current page. (Used for custom or dynamic URLs.)

Just copy/paste this code into your template:

Since the script is released under a Creative Commons licence, you can re-use the code in your web applications.

Comments, feedback, troubleshooting, suggestions and discussions to Freshblog, please.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.1 Australia License.


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